Color Series
Will Puce Finally Get Some Respect?
Ever find yourself in a bit of a disagreeable moment? The color puce feels your pain. Today we’re going to explore this very misunderstood color.
Few may remember or even know what the color puce really is. It’s not a color many gravitate towards, It’s not a recognized Crayola color. Different countries can’t even agree about it. as they believe the color to be different shades.
“In the United States, the color puce is viewed as brownish-purple. In the UK, the color...
500 Shades of Grey
This photo is a picture is the cover from the writer’s copy of Fantastic Novels Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 5, January 1951
Mystery! Intrigue! Scandal! But it’s only Tuesday you say. What could possibly be worth all the fuss? Oh, but that’s the story of today's “color.”
It’s the land of in between and all around. It’s the color of “blurred lines” (without Miley Cyrus) and silver screens. It’s the color that runs 500 shades deep that are visible by the human eye. Yes folks today...
Reach out and Touch.. Peach
This weekend took a downward turn for your Preval color series. Downward into.. the depths of the ocean (or a natural aquarium).
So what’s peach got to do got to do got to do with it? What’s peach other than a commonly ignored color in the crayon box?
The color peach has gone through numerous iterations. It’s name was debated even in crayon form. The story of our beloved color peach can be traced back to 1962. From 1949 until the monumental “U.S....
When Mars Paints... Episode 2: the DIY
As disclosed in Episode 1, it’s time for the great reveal of just how easy it is to remake a scene straight from Mars. As I’m new to the whole airbrush experience, I made a stop at my local craft supply store to get everything I needed.
To get started on this Preval Mars DIY, let’s get started by getting all of our tools together:
Our awesome and, as you can tell, extremely portable Preval vFan Spray System
Seeing Red
batwoman color series inspiration red superhero
Today marked a frustrating day for comic lovers everywhere sending many fans to start “seeing red” as writers J.H. Williams III and W. H Haden disclosed that they would be leaving DC Comics series “Batwoman” in December due to editorial differences. The character whom the hubbub is about is also… a caped crusader donned in red.
As Preval’s designated redheaded writer (also with a comic name), yours truly holds a special place for our beloved color red. What better way than to discuss its impact for our...