Halloween may have come and gone but the spirit of the season and its feast day following followed our crew all the way to a little town called Las Vegas this week for a very special presentation done at the SEMA conference.
While SEMA revolves primarily around the automotive world, the crew at Preval wanted to show a bit about how much can be done with the Preval Spray systems. Now with a little weightlessness added with the vFan Gravity, the ability to breathe fresh new life into a project is even easier than ever before.
Preval models got their own “paint job” when airbrush artist Athena took the power of the vFan Gravity into her hands and got a few friends to help her make magic happen.
To do this project you will need:
an awesome team of spray paint artist professionals
a model friend or three (the more, the merrier)
airbrush body or face spray paint
the vFan Gravity system
your imagination
With these tools, our artist painted each model with precision unlike any other airbrush gun on the market. Each stroke of the gun was a piece of nearly cinematic magic as lucky conference goers got to see this happening live at good ole SEMA booth 11139.
Going even more above the call of duty, our artist incorporated some extra sets of sparkle to our models with flower accessories and glitter to further make them shine.
Multiple models morphed into sugar skull beauties this week with the help of the vFan Gravity. And, despite our artist being a highly trained and tenured airbrush professional, you don’t have to have years of experience to make amazing results like this. Will you take the Preval Challenge and airbrush some models with Gravity? If you’re not sure, how’s this for motivation?
Looks awesome Athena! Love the Sugar Skull schemes. Looks like big crowds this year.